Dental Veneers in Turkey

If you’re concerned about the appearance of your teeth, dental veneers are an excellent solution. Wellmed Health Tourism’, based in the United Kingdom, can give you the smile of your dreams at a fair price.

Please fill out the form and contact us online for more information about tooth veneers.

With WellMed, it is now very easy to have a perfect oral and dental health in Turkey.


✓ In Turkey’s best hospital, the most successful doctors perform their treatments.
✓ A high-level service with accommodation and VIP transfer services from 5-star hotels.

What exactly are veneers?

Veneers are a good alternative if you have minor issues with the cosmetic aspect of your teeth and are looking for a solution.

Dental clinics perform the painless process, which entails gluing thin sheets to the surface of the tooth to improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers are popular among patients because they are a method that allows them to create a superior set of teeth while maintaining a natural appearance.

Veneers have the extra benefit of increasing the tooth’s longevity since they retain the natural tooth and are nearly as robust as tooth enamel.

• separate teeth
• small fractures
• size differences among the teeth
• gummy smile (gums being too exposed)
• discoloured appearance

While just the front teeth can be veneered, patients can also have a full set of veneers.

Veneers come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

A composite veneer is made out of composite materials. A composite is a material made up of acrylic resin and ceramic that has a high resistance.

The dentist places the veneers on the tooth to conceal the flaw, molds the shells into a shape that is appropriate for the patient, and cures the material using ultraviolet radiation.

Their primary benefit is that the treatment is straightforward and requires little preparation; only a filling of the tooth enamel is required. Another benefit is the expedited preparation time, since veneers may be developed and created in the dentist office. In addition, when compared to porcelain veneers, composite veneers are a more cost-effective solution. The downsides of veneers include their limited endurance (five to ten years) and the possibility of discoloration over time owing to staining meals and drinks. Patients should see the dentist on a frequent basis to preserve their veneers, as they are more readily cracked than other dental parts.

Porcelain Veneers are really glass-ceramic that has been reinforced with chemicals like leucite to ensure long-term durability. Because this form of dental veneer is created outside of a dental office, treatment with this material takes a longer period.

The treatment begins with the patient’s teeth being measured and transferred to the facility where the structural design is created. Our experts will install using a strong adhesive at the next session. The downsides of veneers include their limited endurance (five to ten years) and the possibility of discoloration over time owing to staining meals and drinks. Patients should see the dentist on a frequent basis to preserve their veneers, as they are more readily cracked than other dental parts.

Porcelain Veneers are really glass-ceramic that has been reinforced with chemicals like leucite to ensure long-term durability. Because this form of dental veneer is created outside of a dental office, treatment with this material takes a longer period.

The treatment begins with the patient’s teeth being measured and transferred to the facility where the structural design is created. Our experts will install using a strong adhesive at the next session.

Although composite veneers are more expensive, they are more durable and long-lasting. Composite veneers can last ten to fifteen years if the patients take adequate care of them. Composite veneers provide teeth a more natural-looking finish and do not change color. In comparison to composite veneers, the patient does not need to visit the dentist as frequently after the porcelain veneer replacement.

Procedure for Porcelain Veneers

Everyone’s dream is to have perfect teeth, and the dental veneers process, a painless modification that assures a dazzling smile, makes it a reality. Veneers in cosmetic dentistry provide consumers with a way to achieve visually beautiful teeth.

For fixing faded colour and shape or size of teeth, Wellmed Health Tourism is the best clinic to choose.

What is Included in The Price?

✓ Free assistance in UK;
✓ Accommodation at a 5 * hotel, with breakfast included;
✓ During the entire period of your stay in Turkey you will have a driver at your disposal, who will take you, at your request, from the hotel to the clinic, and vice versa;
✓ Personal assistant who will accompany you throughout all medical processes, offering you help at all times, through the necessary information and translation;
✓ Accommodation in top hospital conditions on the days necessary for hospitalization, for the PATIENT and ATTENDANT.
✓ 3 meals a day during hospitalization for the PATIENT and ATTENDANT.

How is the procedure done?

Traditional dental veneers are applied by filing the teeth down to the bare minimum, occasionally removing a fragment to reach beyond the enamel for accurate fit.

A veneer operation is irreversible, unpleasant, and frequently necessitates the use of a local anesthetic.

Best Veneer Dentistry

With the support of Wellmed Health Tourism, our associate dentists and dental professionals provide you with high-quality care at an accessible price.

All of our dentists work hard to ensure that our patients have positive outcomes, demonstrating that they are in good hands with our dental team.

Veneers Clinic with the Best Results

Wellmed Health Tourism has years of expertise in the sector and is ready to assist you. We provide specialized treatment programs to help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Facility Center is the most dependable dental clinic in the United Kingdom.

Your smile is in good hands at Wellmed Health Tourism

In addition, Wellmed Health Tourism will assist you with the following options along your medical journey:

• USA trained professional
• Natural looking results
• Guarantee on an affordable  price
• Special group discount
• Transfers between airport, hotel and clinic

The Effects of Veneers on Teeth

In two to three sessions, patients can see the results of the operation. The durability of the veneers is determined on the material used, with porcelain veneers lasting ten to fifteen years. The composite veneers, on the other hand, are predicted to endure five to 10 years. The longevity of the dental parts is influenced by the accuracy with which the veneers are placed and how well they are cared for by the patients.

What are the costs of veneers?

Patients generally seek for cost-effective treatment choices for oral therapies. Depending on the type and amount of veneers you require, the cost of your procedure will vary.

As a result, the cost of a whole set of veneers will be more than the cost of veneers for the front teeth. The similar problem exists with porcelain and zirconium veneers, only that porcelain veneers are more expensive.

Wellmed Health Tourism is the ideal place to acquire veneers because of the cost and simplicity of the procedure.

Process of Recovering Porcelain Veneers

Taking care of the veneers is vital to guarantee that they last as long as possible while performing correctly. Patients are properly educated about the aftercare and given precise instructions following a dental veneer implantation helped by Wellmed Health Tourism’.

Your recuperation will be relatively painless if you follow these simple instructions and work with our aftercare experts.

◦ Please eat something before the therapy to keep yourself satiated.
◦ Brush your teeth after eating to reduce gingivitis and plaque, and floss to remove any food stuck between your teeth to prevent discoloration.
◦ Make an appointment with your dentist for a professional cleaning once a year.
◦ The staining process is accelerated by certain meals and beverages, as well as cigarette use.
◦ Do not open or grasp anything with your teeth.
◦ If you participate in contact sports or are frequently in circumstances where your face or mouth might be damaged, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth.

Veneers Quick Answer

Length of Procedure: about 3-5 days, depending on the type and quantity of veneers
Recovery Period: 1 – 2 days
Cavity probability: Very low, veneers do not decay easily
Anesthesia: Local anaesthesia
Diet: Do not eat anything hard, avoid hot or cold beverages for at least a week
Potential Candidate: Patients with chipped, misaligned and spaced teeth
Pain: No pain due to local anaesthesia
Post dental care: The same care as your normal teeth
Long lasting: Yes, with proper care.
Result: Achieved immediately
Combination of treatments: Mostly dental implants, root canal treatment and teeth whitening

Package with everything included

With our package packages, Wellmed Health Tourism provides you with the greatest treatment programs at cheap pricing to give you the smile you deserve.

Partner dentists who are well-known over the world

Wellmed Health Tourism collaborates with dentists who have received worldwide training. As a result, you may put your whole faith in us when you decide to undergo your operation.

Treatment for dental problems

Wellmed Health Tourism would gladly assist you in achieving your finest smile. You will acquire the ideal smile with the help of Wellmed Health Tourism and a successful porcelain veneers surgery.

If you bring a friend, you will receive a special discount.

When you’re among your loved ones, smiling is great. Bring a loved one and get two smiles for the price of one with Wellmed Health Tourism special savings on porcelain veneers.

If necessary, a free X-ray is provided.

If necessary, you will be given a complimentary X-ray prior to your treatment.

Guaranteed lowest price

The price of dental crowns is exorbitant. Wellmed Health Tourism, on the other hand, claims to provide you with the most economical dental crown cost.

Transfers to and from the airport in private

The Wellmed Health Tourism staff is delighted to assist you with airport transportation for a stress-free treatment vacation.

During your stay, your personal host is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

During your stay with Wellmed Health Tourism, you will have access to a host who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During your surgery, you won’t have to worry about communication in the airport or in the hospital.

Accommodation at a discounted rate

Wellmed Health Tourism has unique prices for you to stay in a pleasant hotel during your operation.

Dental Veneer FAQs

What is a veneer?
What are the distinctions between veneers and crowns?
Porcelain veneers can be used to treat a variety of issues.
Dental veneers can address a number of issues at once, including:
Is it possible for everyone to obtain veneers?
Who isn't a candidate for porcelain veneers?
When it comes to veneers, how long do they last?

Get a treatment plan now!

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Mon – Friday
9 am to 6 pm